Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is it Monday or Tuesday???


I have been so messed up today! It feels so much like a Monday, but alas it is not. I suppose that is a good thing!

Dieting went well today. We had a fellowship at Bible study this morning, which really can be detrimental when trying to eat sensibly. I think our Bible study group is extremely blessed with some ladies that can flat out cook. There were soooo many yummy things to choose from. I hadn’t eaten anything all morning, so I was pretty hungry when I got there. I was so proud of the choices that I made. I had a tiny spoonful of grits casserole, lots of fruit, a small roll that had some ham and swiss cheese on it. And then I had the tiniest little sliver of chocolate cheesecake. I felt like I was able to “taste everything, eat nothing”. I didn’t feel deprived, but I also didn’t feel like I ruined my diet for the day.

I had lunch on the run this afternoon. I had the fruit and chargrilled salad at Chic-fil-a with the Berry Balsamic vinegarette. Yummy. Again, satisfying but not a diet buster.

Like I mentioned last night, dinner tonight was the Bubble Up Enchiladas and a small side salad (lots of veggies & vinegarette). This recipe was ok. Definitely not my favorite and I’m not sure it will be on the permanent dinner rotation.

For dessert I had weight watchers strawberry pudding. This is a very old school weight watchers recipe. I can’t remember how many points it has in it. I did ww years ago and would have this from time to time. It’s super yummy! Here’s the recipe:

2 cups sugar free instant vanilla pudding, 2 cups buttermilk, 2 cups sugar free cool whip, 2 cups sliced strawberries.

*mix together pudding and buttermilk until thick. stir in cool whip and strawberries. Refrigerate and enjoy!

Like I said, I’m not sure how many points it has in it, but its not many. I had a cup and it was delish. Sweet and a little tangy. Yum!


I’m off to get my kids in bed now, and I am following them very shortly after. This dreary Tuesday (felt like Monday) has got me tired! Good night, y’all!

Monday, January 16, 2012

I've left you in suspense...

Hi all! So sorry to keep you waiting! I did not mean to have such a extended break between my posts. Our laptop has been very, very moody. All of my previous posts were done on the ipad and that is a pain in the booty. (side note: Ace calls the ipad the ipatch. yes, my children are hilarious). Long story short, I think I've got the laptop fixed. At least for a little while! Hopefully posts will be much more frequent!

I know you've been DYING in anticipation of my weigh in. My first weigh in was on 1/7. The scale conveyed exactly what I wanted to see! I was down 4.5lbs. I was so excited.

The week following was ok. Not really bad, not really great. I ate for pretty healthily during the day. I ate like a champ during the day. But when the stressful afternoon hours came around, I snacked unwisely. I know that to be successful at loosing the amount of weight that I want to lose, I've got to get this under control. When I weighed in this past Saturday, (Jan. 14) I had lost 1 pound. I'm glad I lost that pound, but know I can do better.

I'm back on it this week. I went to Trader Joe's today and stocked up on some better snack choices. It was my first trip to Trader Joe's. I am so in love. So, so in love. I hate that it isn't closer to the house. I'm thinking that I'm going to have to start making bi-weekly trips there. Love their prices AND their selection! So nice!

GOALS for the week:
-wake up daily @ 6 so I can spend some unrushed time with the Lord
-must go to bed by 10pm so I can get up at 6am =)
-water, water, water
-make some more yummy & healthy banana bread
-better snack choices

Dinner this week:
Tuesday- Weight Watcher's Bubble Up Enchiladas  (I'll be using lean ground sirloin, not turkey)
Wednesday- Skinny Taste Taco Chicken
Thursday- Healthy baked chicken nuggets, trader joe's mac & cheese, green beans
Friday- Who am I kidding? I haven't planned that far!

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I'll be checking in more often this week. Here we go!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why are titles the hardest part of blogging???

Thursday is here and gone! This week has gone by in a flash...

The diet is going pretty well! I have consistently stayed in my calorie range and have not felt too ravenous. I love love love the my fitness pal app on my iPhone. It is so easy to use and is the first calorie counter that I have ever used that has every food known to man on it. There has not been one food that I have logged that wasn't already on there.

Things I need to work on:

- stop eating little bites of things mindlessly. Like bites of my kids food, bites of stuff while im fixing dinner, etc. I know lots of moms struggle with this and I need to get a grip on it.

- I have got to make more time for exercise. It was super cold here this week so an easy excuse not to get out and walk. But I did have my Jillian Michaels DVD I could have done... I just chose not to. I think the weather is warming up so I am hoping to get out there more.

- Drink.more.water. Gosh this is hard for me.

I had a doctors appointment this morning and I think I have lost some. I'll weigh in officially on Saturday and let you know the results!

For you fellow pinterest lovers I tried these recipes:



The banana bread is good. Very filling and satisfying. Definitely not the sweet banana bread (cake really) that I am used to cooking. But it is good.

The lettuce wraps were good as well, but something was wrong in the flavor. The texture was dead on with pf changs lettuce wraps. I think next time I make them I'll leave out some of the Chinese 5 spice powder and add in some rice wine vinegar. They definitely needed more tang to them.

I have a few more recipes I will be trying this weekend so I'll let you know how they turn out.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Monday

Today was our last day of Christmas break. Boooooooo! I must admit I am happy to get back to some sort of schedule, but I'm going to miss the heck out of my little kindergartner. I've been looking at it though that at least we are half way to summer!

Yikes, another reason to lose weight... Summer & bathing suits!

Today went well. Monster smoothie for breakfast. I made mine out of some frozen peaches, blueberries, strawberries and a handful of spinach. Yuuuuum.

We went to the bff's for lunch to watch the (dissapointing) Georgia game. Mitchell cooked some wonderful ribs and we had salad, beans, and potato salad on the side. Definitely ate a little too much there.

Dinner consisted of 2 clementines since I over indulged at lunch. Tomorrow it's back to the grind, which should actually be easier for me to eat healthily.

According to myfitnesspal.com my total calories consumed were: 1333.

No exercise today because it is ffffffreezing here today. I did go for a nice long walk last night though.

Now I'm just folding some clothes and Watching celebrity wife swap. Another confession: I love good smut reality tv.

And how wonderfully appropriate that my bible study review today was on John 6:35
"I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty".

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

I've had some time to mull over yesterday's post. I am glad that I put it all out there. Hey, what do I have to lose? (except 100 or so pounds). It is what it is. I have put myself in this situation and now it's time to start digging myself out.

We spent NYE at home with some extended family. My kids tried so hard to make it up until midnight, but just couldn't quite do it. So we lit fireworks and let sky lanterns off (a la Tangled) a few hours before the stroke of midnight.

I guess I have figured out one main resolution that encompasses all of my hopes for this year.

2012- Jesus first, everything else falls into place.

I truly do believe that. If I put Jesus in His rightful place, everything else will follow suit. Will life be easy or perfect? No. Am I promised success in all aspects of my life. No. But I do think Jesus can be my portion and give me true satisfaction.

Please don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I am not under the impression that if I am in a right relationship with God that the pounds are going to magically fall off. I have a lot of hard work in front of me. Oh so much work. And that's ok. But I know where my help comes from.

So, first things first! My initial weight loss goal is 5 pounds in 1 week. I'm not following a plan per se, but I am planning on eating high fiber/ high protein diet. Lots of fruits, veggies and lean proteins. I followed weight watchers years ago and had some decent success with it, so I may pull out my old books and go with that.

I'll check back in through the week with some updates. Maybe a few meal plans, etc. and then I'll do a weigh in and report the (hopefully) good news!

Thank you for the kind words, comments and texts that I have received. I truly appreciate every single one.

So here we go!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

May Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot

December 31, 2011

Here I am... staring down at the last few hours of another year. I'm not too sad to see 2011 pass by. I'm so thankful that each new year brings with it promise and hope. I have many, many hopes for 2012. Some include:

-Live a more simplified life! Find ways to streamline. Focus on what really counts, and get rid of what doesn't.
-Stop over committing. Maybe this is a subcategory of simplifying. Again, focus on what really counts.
-Become a better friend.
-Organize, organize, organize.
-Recommit to our goal as a family to live debt free. We have paid most of our debt off (excluding mortgage), but kind of lost sight. Time to kick those last few debts to the curb.
-Become a better memory keeper for my family. I STINK at this, y'all. I take a good amount of pictures, but am terrible at printing them out and doing anything with them. I must do better.
-And of course, what list would be complete at this time of year without the good old weight loss goal?

I guess I'm starting this blog to make myself more accountable to these goals. Weight loss in particular. No scratch that. HEALTH. That is what I want.

What is that old line from AA? That admitting your problem is the first step, right? I have known for a long time that I have a problem with my weight. Admitting is a different story though I suppose. Its not like I think that the general population is stupid and doesn't look at me and think that I'm completely out of shape and overweight. I know that they do. But it is never something I've talked with many about, and especially have never written a blog post about.

So, here is my admission:

Hi, my name is Sarah. I'm overweight. Ugh... do I have to say it? I'm... obese. You have no idea how much I want to go back and delete that. But that's probably not enough, right? I can easily hit publish on this and it will go out to the big old world wide web and could possibly never be seen by anyone I know. I guess I kind of have to talk about this to people. Get them to come and look at it. I'm thinking of putting a link to this on my pinterest and twitter accounts. I must keep telling myself that I need this accountability. This sucks.

Further confessions:

-I am completely and utterly addicted to sugar. I know that if I don't change, I am staring at a future with type 2 diabetes. Sugar is something that I crave morning, noon and night. I feel like I need sugar multiple times, daily. I know that to lose weight and have a healthier life, I have to kick the habit.

-I weigh... a lot. A lot more than I want to weigh. A number that I really don't want anyone to know except myself. Heck, I really don't even want to know. I CRINGE when I weigh myself. I have a doctors appointment next week and have thought about cancelling it because I really don't want to be weighed by anyone else. I really, really don't want to put that number on here either.

Oh Lord, I'm about to do it.... I weighed this morning and it was 243 lbs. Yup, fighting huge urge again to delete.

I should really just hit publish and get this over with.

Anyways... I have a lot of weight to lose. I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy.

So there it is. All my hopes and wishes for 2012. I think I've written quite enough for today. I'm going to try to post daily to hash all this out. I don't have a clear plan of action yet, but I'm working on it and will get back with you.

Wishes of luck and prayers are very much appreciated! I'm going to need them.